

It’s a place 和 an idea — it’s a meeting of writers 和 students 和 thinkers. It’s a room where you can walk in with questions 和 leave with a few answers, 也许还有几个问题. It’s the moment when you realize that writing doesn’t have to mean being locked away, 独自一人, 在昏暗的烛光下涂鸦. 写作可以,也应该是社交的.

Come talk one-on-one with a Student Writing Assistant (SWA) about any type of writing at any stage in your writing process, 从头脑风暴到最后润色. Walk-ins are welcome (although we don’t recommend coming in an hour before your paper is due!), but we encourage you to make an appointment with an SWA. WRC举办讲习班, 社交活动, thesis writing groups during ISP 和 Spring Semester, 和 is also available any time you just need a space to write in!


学生写作助理 are ready 和 willing to help you! 在这里预约. If you would like to make a weekly repeating appointment, contact us at (电子邮件保护)!


Because 学生写作助理 are students like you, they are in a perfect position to offer advice on the unique writing of New College! swa既是专家又是通才. This means that although each SWA has their particular areas of expertise, each is also trained (和 willing) to assist student writers like you with any type of writing at any point in your writing process. 了解SWAs

有兴趣成为SWA? 联络助理. Dir. 亚历山德拉·马斯((电子邮件保护)) to learn more about the requirements for this rewarding (和 paid!)校内工作.








We are highly committed to supporting our students, especially during this difficult time. We are following all m和ates 和 guidelines of the school, which means we are requiring all visitors to wear masks at all times 和 social distance 6ft. We are also limiting the number of visitors in the space to 3, so unfortunately that means no hanging out in the WRC until it becomes safer to gather (we know, 我们对此感到沮丧, ).

Students can still have one-on-one digital appointments or meet “mask-to-mask” in the WRC space by visiting our 调度页面  和 creating a remote or in-person SWA appointment. Remote appointments are primarily conducted using Google Meet, but the SWA may adapt the appointment format to best work with the resources the student has available to them.

Students can also still attend Virtual Writing Groups! The days 和 times of these group meetings can also be accessed on our online 调度页面. 小组会议也可以通过Hangout Meet进行, 和 students can choose if they want to join with audio 和/or video. These groups are providing some structure 和 accountability, 以及团结, to students trying to stay on track with their coursework.

我们也在更新我们的 脸谱网Instagram pages more frequently with new resources, strategies, 和 fun topics. 请关注我们(@NCFWRC)并加入我们!

A conference with a SWA is a conversation about your writing. That conversation can last up to 50 minutes, but doesn’t have to.

你要和SWA坐下来谈, tell them where you are in your writing process 和 what concerns you have, 和 they’ll offer guidance 和 resources to help you develop as a writer. You may be asked to read your work aloud or use a whiteboard or play with legos, but really the structure of the conversation is completely up to you!

如果你只是想找个校对, chances are the SWA will still invite you to have a conversation. They won’t take your paper read it 和 h和 it back with editor’s marks. 他们会和你一起通读报纸, 帮助您识别错误模式, 确保其他东西看起来都很好, 太!


预约面谈, we highly recommend that you bring your own laptop or tablet, 如果可能的话, so that you 和 the SWA can digitally look at the paper on different devices, since you won’t be able to sit right next to each other. 你也可以带作业提示, 纸质草稿, 笔记, 课程教材, 或者任何你需要完成论文的东西.

我们也有荧光笔, 便利, 标记, 统治者, 磁带, staples 和 other supplies to help jump-start your creativity!


目前,我们有 15名训练有素的SWAs. Because there are more than 15 AOCs, we unfortunately cannot have a SWA for each field. 我们试图从每个部门获得一些SWAs, 和 everyone receives training in how to identify different writing styles, strategies for different writing in different areas, 和 knowing how to guide you through all the stages of writing any paper.

话虽如此, there are many benefits to working with a SWA who is outside of your discipline, 我们有很多学生访客, 包括thesisers, who specifically seek out SWAs who have no experience in their field. 这种方式, the writer receives feedback that isn’t bogged down in personal opinion, 和 the SWA isn’t tempted to “teach” rather than “assist.”

最后, it’s really better to work with a SWA with whom you feel comfortable 和 who has a SWAing style that meshes well with your own learning style. We recommend you make appointments with a few different SWAs until you find someone you love!

Appointments are highly recommended, but not required.

We currently highly recommend making an appointment before visiting to make sure there’s low risk of the space reaching capacity (stayin’ safe!). 在线 时间表 lets you choose a day 和 time that work best for you. 请随意查看 SWA bios if you want to learn a little bit more about who you can work with.

话虽如此, 如果你找到了我们的路, feel free to pop in 和 see if there’s a SWA available; we take drop-ins, 太.

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